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Special Projects

In addition to the huge range of standard products - some of which can be seen in our product gallery - Elite Castings are well known for their Special Projects.

Over the years, Elite Castings have been asked to create some normal and not-so-normal castings, including:

  • Marine & Automotive Products
  • Port Holes
  • Vintage Car Parts
  • Bumper endcaps for recent model Jeep Wranglers
  • Castings for Motorcycles
  • Castings for trophies and awards
  • Parts and fittings for furniture
  • Personalised and decorative castings in alloy or bronze for architectural applications
  • Structural and aesthetic castings for building construction
  • Discrete personal taste items

...and of course this list is not exhaustive. If you require a part, a fitting, or a piece of artwork to be cast, it can be become an Elite Casting.

Below is a video of an Elite Castings special project being created.

Video coming soon


Finalising the mould

Ready to pour TJ bumper ends

Finished TJ bumper ends

TJ bumper ends in action

Motorcycle axle skulls